A Place for Everything, and Everything in its Place!
Those of us who’ve ‘been around a while’ have certainly witnessed enormous change in the size, layout, style, and level of amenities provided in a New Zealand home over the [...]
Surviving in the COVID-19 era
The world has clearly changed in a commercial sense as well as for us all personally and it is unlikely things will ever be quite the same again. One current danger [...]
Storage Solutions for Renters
In the past decade, the rate of New Zealanders that rent their homes has continued to increase - back in 2013 it was already at 35 per cent, meaning we are [...]
Renovating or refurbishing an older home?
Renovating or refurbishing an older home? Even if the house is not particularly old and whilst perhaps you've undertaken other projects, you will find that in recent years things have changed [...]
The Laundry Revolution!
The design and functionality of every room in a home has undergone enormous change over the past few decades and whilst the laundry is not generally looked upon with the same [...]
Get the Most Out of Walk-In Wardrobes
A walk-in wardrobe has become one of those ‘must haves’ in a modern home and nowadays it is common practice to include at least one when designing most new houses and [...]
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